Thursday, December 3, 2009

Teens, Cell Phones and Porn Culture

Participation in 'sexting' was reported by one-quarter of teens recently surveyed in an Associated Press/MTV poll. 'Sexting,' the sending by cell phone of sexually explicit or suggestive photos or videos is becoming an epidemic among teens.

Photos or videos are shot and transmitted by teens wanting to 'celebritize' themselves or to gain or keep a boyfriend or girlfriend. The permanence of digital data and the ease with which that data can be retransmitted means that the sexually-charged images rarely stay on the device to which they were originally sent. A boyfriend may share naked photos of his girlfriend with the guys in the locker room as proof of sexual prowess. Teens may engage in "resend revenge" spreading explicit pictures to get even with someone. Teens may also become unwitting recipients of unsolicited sexual material sent by friends to their phones.
The images don't simply remain on phones either, but can be sent to e-mail in-boxes from cell phones. Teens who have sexually explicit images of another minor, or even of themselves, stored on their phone or computer can have child pornography charges brought against them.

Many cell phone providers are rushing to provide parental controls for teen phones, but the solution does not lie in the technology. Teens are using cell phones exactly for what they were created to be used for: the transmission of voice, text and visual communication between cell phone users. The problems are a pervasive porn-as-norm society, lack of discernment skills in teens and an ever-weakening emphasis on personal virtue.

Parents can help their teens by fostering frank and honest conversation about technology and morality. This certainly should include the pragmatic discussion of consequences, both legal and relational. Moreover, Christian parents should find opportunities to reinforce with their children biblical understandings about human sexuality. Consider these talking points:
  • God created human bodies with sexually-distinctive features and the capacity to enjoy mutual intimacy and called those created bodies GOOD!

  • Biblical teachings on human sexuality view sex positively within a marriage and condemn sexual activity that has pleasure and sensuality as the primary goal.

  • Jesus taught that two persons, a husband and wife, become joined as if they share one body and that they should not be torn assunder. Sexually intimacy bonds persons together in a real, but mysterious, way. In the case of serial sexual relationships, a piece of oneself is given permanently to every sexual partner and one likewise is shackled with the burden of pieces taken from one's partners.

  • Our deep longing for intimacy--being known and cherished--comes straight from God's own heart. As God-in-three-persons, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit share a oneness of which we only catch a glimpse in human sexual relationships. We exert much effort in this life trying to fill that God-given longing with sensual pleasures that never truly satisfy. That longing is truly filled only by the One from whom it came.
These links are directed to helpful articles from The Center for Parent and Youth Understanding on sexting and texting acronyms: